Webflow Rich Text

Make the most of Webflow's elements.

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Nested lists

Need easily managed nested lists in your rich text content?

Sygnal Attributes gives you the ability to transform the native single-level list into nested lists using a simple indent-indicator.

For example this list;

  1. level 1
  2. > level 2
  3. >> level 3

Is automatically transformed to three levels of depth.

NO-CODE, attributes-only solution.

How to implement

How Nested lists work in your Rich Text content.

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and lists, however it does not natively have support for multi-level or "nested" lists.

So we've added it;

  1. level 1
    1. level 2
      1. level 3

Handle up to 10 level of indendation depth with simple markup, compatible with the Webflow Editor.

See the notes at right regarding markup syntax.

  1. level 1
    1. level 4
      1. level 2
    2. level 3
  2. level 1

Theme: default


The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images,

  1. level 1
    1. level 2
      1. level 3


Prefix items with a + or - to add item-specific PRO or CON styling;

  1. level 1 PRO
    1. level 3 PRO
      1. level 4
    2. level 2 CON

More features coming soon.

Theme: modern


The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images,

  1. level 1
    1. level 2
      1. level 3


Prefix items with a + or - to add item-specific PRO or CON styling;

  1. level 1 PRO
    1. level 3 PRO
      1. level 4
    2. level 2 CON

More features coming soon.

Theme: fun


The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images,

  1. level 1
    1. level 2
      1. level 3


Prefix items with a + or - to add item-specific PRO or CON styling;

  1. level 1 PRO
    1. level 3 PRO
      1. level 4
    2. level 2 CON

More features coming soon.

Made in Webflow